Baylor Lariat – A couple months ago, more than 100 people convened in Los Angeles for the Fifth Annual National Reform Sex Offender Laws conference, “Justice for All.” The purpose of the conference is to shed light and try to bring about reform of national and state sex offender laws that they claim deny the civil rights of more than 750,000 sex offenders.
I find this to be offensive. These laws exist for a reason and they exist to protect everyone, especially children. To think that, as a sexual offender, your rights trump the rights of innocent children is offensive and repulsive. In some ways, our punishments for those that commit sexual-based crimes are too lenient. Full Article
Note: The 2013 National RSOL Conference “Justice for All” referenced in this op-ed piece was hosted by California RSOL. See presentation videos from the conference.
The author states some very questionable facts which seemingly drive his beliefs and opinion. The accurate facts belie this and all the other propaganda put out there to shape and form, as well as manipulate peoples opinions. I think this author should read the constitution and bill of rights and do a little fact finding instead of going with popular opinion. Opinions like this are a major contributor to the decline of freedom, human dignity and go against what America is supposed to be/used to be.
“Anyone who values the importance of a particular principle will be tempted to see it where it does not exist, and if it be not there will force it in.”
E.W. Bullinger, 1837-1913
Where was this guy when we needed him the most? He has said exactly what we want to hear: all of these laws regarding sex offenders is “punishment”. Now, he thinks that the punishment is inadequate (he is entitle to his opinion), but the key point is that he recognizes and acknowledges that what we are going though–post-conviction–is, in fact, punishment. There is no confusion on his part.
Since he was offended that we, as American citizens, freely and peaceably assembled to seek redress of our grievances, I assume that he is not an American and prefers a North Korean style of government…again, everyone is entitle to their own opinion.
He’s an uninformed idiot.
I didn’t see anywhere on they web site for comments. I guess they are too cowardly for that.
We need to bring consequences to un-American people like this. Contract the people who employ them for starters.
Image you commit a offense. Any offense and hire a lawyer and the prosecutor comes to you with a agreement. You agree and get sentenced. You must successfully complete sex offender therapy as part of your sentence. Then decades later you now must be placed back on probation. Decades after being off probation. But now you can’t use the park. Live near or work by a daycare. List your employers name and address so it can be listed publically. List your cars! You can’t use the library and now must pay a yearly fine and have law enforcement come to your neighborhood to try to enter your home to search it. All these new conditions are things you never had to do before. This guy doesn’t see how over 750,000 people would have a problem with this? Seriously?
Now imagine the sex offender registry being so confusing that the average citizen can’t tell if your dangerous or not! Vigilantes lying and twisting what really happened. Now imagine having a family and being decades free from reoffending and just wanting to move on and be a productive person.
That’s what the sex offender registry is!
It’s really kind of stupidly evil to put a whole class a people to death because some football players got off lightly. Believe me, there are other legal things people do that take away the innocence of childhood, that don’t have anything to do with sex. Let’s forfeit the lives of those who deny children physical or emotional well being in any form.
“Sex offenders need stronger punishments”
Really? You honestly think that a lifetime of being watched and shunned from decent society is not strong enough? Having to report where you live (if they will allow you to live there in the first place) and then having that information put online so you can be harassed, threatened (love those letters with no return address), and perhaps even killed is not strong enough punishment?
Oh, I get it…you are one of “those”. Those being the ones that feel that the only good sex offender is a dead sex offender.
Karma! It’s a b**ch… Coming soon to an idiot named Baylor Lariat.
my bad…David Trower’s the idiot.
As frustrating as this idiot, David Trower of Baylor University is, here’s a little good news…
What kind of junk is this? Any other topic and this wouldn’t have made it past the first review. This only made it to print due to it’s title (which we all painfully know). To the only intelligent question I can ask from this (other than the emotional ones running through my head). What is the bases for all of the non-reported / under-reported crimes that are out there? This seems to alwasy be a fall back arguement, right up there with “If it saves just one…”.
Exactly Fish in a Net……those cowards that use and exploit
‘if it saves just one’ …propaganda ……..where’s the drunk
drivers public registry…?….abduction /kidnap registry? ….
domestic abuse registry..?….assault registry ..?…. weapons public registry so our children aren’t over a friends house
that has weapons easy to get to…….those cowards don’t
cry for ‘if it saves just one’ for crimes at a higher rate to be
exposed too.
Ignore as you will. This stuck with me so I did a few Google searches, to only come up with very little evidence around under / unreported crime. Most is extrapolations of survey data. But let’s take it as solid fact, the number one Google search result on all searches was RAINN, their numbers;
Out of 100 rapes 40 are reported, 10 of those are arrested, 8 of those get prosecuted, and 4 of those get a conviction.
Now I know numbers get lumped and misrepresented, but let’s push on.
So 25% of what’s reported ends in an arrest, we all know how much police agencies want to up their numbers and all they can do is get 25% of the bad guys when the finger is pointed right at the guy….?
Okay, Okay…So the prosecutors only charge 8 of the 10 guys, WOW!!! Prosecutors walk away from charging 20% of the accused….how weak were the facts?
Wait What? only 50% of the prosecutions end up with a conviction??? What happened to the 99% conviction rates….50% of the guys up on charges get a walk from their juries…but jury’s love to convict on rape cases with as little as he said she said….
So 4 out of 40 cases get a conviction, therefore out of the 100 “cases” of unreported rapes…10 would be convicted, 20 would be charged, 25 would be arrested.
I am the biggest critic of our justice system, but the above just seems like an impossibility. In order for these numbers to be right the facts around these instances must be weak weak weak. There are guys convicted when both parties are drunk (won’t even get into how crazy that is). There are cases of guys getting convicted when there is no evidence and the accusation takes months or years…So what are the facts on these 90% of cases that don’t get a conviction….
Is the “crime rate” under reported by 60? Or by 25? Or by 20? Or by 10? Well if is 100 vs. 40, therefore under reporting is 60% and there is a need for an advocacy group. BUT, if out of 100 claims of rape evidence only supports 10 actual rapes…funding ends and the questioning of the victim starts to make sense.
Now I am guilty of rambling and won’t waste your time anymore, but his just makes zero sense to me. Obviously these a fictional numbers….
In case you’re wondering, my issue did not involve rape; my issue didn’t even have a victim. The numbers just did not add up.
Fish…we all know the numbers NEVER add up! The goons fabricate numbers, pull them out of dark body orifices and embellish what can’t be made up. The worse things that law enforcement, politicians and extra-punishment advocates fear are facts. It’s our duty to get the facts out one person at a time. Our blameless lives prove the facts; we don’t say it, we live it.